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“Monopoly Run” around London

Helen Mortimer, a former volunteer at CRP, and some friends are to undertake a “Monopoly Run” around London soon to raise funds for the Spinal Cord Injury area at CRP.

The run, in teams of 6, will travel round London answering clues and performing tasks in order to gain points. Entrance fee for members if teams is £10.00 per person. The winning team will be the one gaining the most points.

Please support this effort by logging on to JustGiving – Helen’s page will be up and running within the next week.

Helen says “We are hoping to raise around £500 and I would particulately like this money to go towards the spinal cord injury area of the organisation. This is because it is one of the areas I volunteered when I was in Bangladesh in 2009 and also because it is an area I and many of my physiotherapy friends have a particular interest in”.

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