Valerie Taylor Trust

Tour Update

Following a supper in St Andrew’s Church Hall, Bedford, Valerie spoke movingly to supporters of all the work that has gone on at CRP since her last visit. It was particularly good to hear of the amazing generosity of so many Bangladeshi benefactors, and also of the continuing support to CRP’s work from International Volunteers.

After the talk, members of the Outreach Committee of St Andrew’s Church presented Valerie with a cheque for £1000 from the Church (see picture), and a further £780 (plus Gift Aid) was given by individual supporters.
Members of the Outreach Committee of St Andrew’s Church present Valerie with a cheque for £1000
This brings the current total raised during Valerie`s tour to an amazing £29,000 which may be higher when gift aid is added.

Many Congratulations to all who made the tour possible!!!!

If you have photos or reports of events that you held we would love to hear about them. If you are considering holding an event please let us know the details

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