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Fundraising Campaign 2008 – Valerie’s Vision

In 1971, Valerie Taylor had a vision. There was a need for rehabilitation services for disabled people in Bangladesh, and by the very nature of the spinal cord injuries she witnessed it was the poor who were most commonly a victim of it. Valerie’s vision was to be able to provide free care for these poor spinal cord injured people.

Since starting the Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed (CRP) in 1979, Valerie’s vision has become a reality. Now with 100 in-patient beds at its main headquarters in Savar, CRP provides an amazing service to those who would not otherwise receive it.

As 2008 is our first full year in existence, the Valerie Taylor Trust has decided our fundraising campaign should mirror Valerie’s original vision. At our inaugural meeting in September 2007, Valerie told those present that the cost for one in-patient bed per month was £44.00. As there are 100 in-patient beds at CRP, this multiplies up to £4400.00 per month to be able to provide free treatment to some of the poorest members of society in Bangladesh.

The Valerie Taylor Trust have therefore decided that our initial campaign should look to provide these much needed core funds for CRP and that our member’s donations could be able to be used to provide this service. We have set our fundraising target for this year at getting a regular income of £4500.00 per month from mandated bank transfers and standing orders in order to meet this goal.

Although we are targeting regular donations, any amount you can give will help us achieve our overall goals!

If you want to start and give regularly, you can either download the membership and donation form from the resources section or set up a regular payment online at

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